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[原版伴奏] 林檎もぎれビーム! - GILLE feat. 鈴木このみ [复制链接]

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版主勋章 贡献勋章 勤奋勋章

发表于 2015-3-17 11:46:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
「I AM GILLE.」シリーズ 第4弾! アニメ・ソングのアンセムといえる名曲たちで贈る、新機軸の英語カバー・アルバム! 2015年1月からオンエアされている「アイドルマスター」から鉄板のキラーチューン「READY!!」をはじめ、アニソン・シンガーとして初の紅白出演時に水樹奈々が歌唱した名曲「深愛」、現在もアニソンDJイベント等で会場を坩堝にする神曲「Butter-Fly」、2009年に公開され大ヒットを記録した劇場版アニメーション『サマーウォーズ』主題歌の山下達郎「僕らの夏の夢」等、聴きどころ満載。収録楽曲「林檎もぎれビーム!」では、かつてシルエットでミステリアス・シンガーとしてシーンに登場したGILLEが逆にミステリアス・アーティストをフィーチャリング!


作詞:Kenji Ohtsuki
英語詞:GILLE・Komei Kobayashi
歌:GILLE feat. 鈴木このみ

Apple Picking Off Beam!
Apple Picking Off Beam!
Apple Picking Off Beam!
Your life changes everything!

When you see somebody singing a beautiful song
It seems like he knows you and the way you feel
Don't you be so quick to fall in love with the singer
“He could be doin' it for his money and the fame”

Apple Picking Off Beam!
Apple Picking Off Beam!

But when you believe that
He is your one & only
Just trust him scream it
Gotta say those words
Now sing it together
It's gonna change everything
Now change it, Fly away, Now fly away

“Is there anybody you wanna show off your new self?”
Everybody who didn't give a damn about me

Let's get started now
We're on the edge of hopelessness
“Come and join our side”
It's a Shangri-La baby
With you by my side
Now say the words
“Apple Picking Off Beam”
Maybe all the things would never change
No matter where I go now
“Are you just gonna stay where you are and wait for tomorrow?”

Apple Picking Off Beam!
Apple Picking Off Beam!
Apple Picking Off Beam!
Your life changes everything!

When you meet somebody who really understand you
Like he knows your loneliness and everything
Don't you be so quick to believe that he's a savior
“He could be telling you what's written in the manual
But you think that you're in love with him
Let me hear you say the words”

Because you believe that
He is your one & only
Just trust him and scream out
Gotta say those words
Now sing it together
It's gonna change everything
Now change it, Fly away, Now just fly away
“Is there anybody you wanna show off your new self?”
Everybody who used to look down on me before
Everyone of you now!

Now let's go cross that line
We're on the edge of hopelessness
“Come and join our side”
It's a paradise baby
Just me & you
Now say the words
“Apple Picking Off Beam”
Maybe all the things would never change
No matter where I go now
“You know you haven't even started looking for the answer”
Do you think there is a sunshine when this hopeless night is over?
“So let me show you now, I just wanna let you know one thing”

Everything's gonna be alright
Always, There'll be a sunrise
Love is supposed to shed light on us
“Because it's the manuals of the love”

Let's get started now
We're on the edge of hopelessness
“Come and join our side”
It's a Shangri-La baby
With you by my side
Now say the words
“Apple Picking Off Beam”

Now let's go cross that line
We're on the edge of hopelessness
“Come join our side”
It's a paradise baby
Just me & you
Now say the words
“Apple Picking Off Beam”

Let's get started now...

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