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- 最后登录
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本帖最后由 enyacat 于 2010-6-14 18:38 编辑
http://www.y y f c.com/play.aspx?reg_id=1180916&song_id=4459669
『みつあみの猫(ねこ)』 “The Cat with Braided Hair”
Source: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism
作詞(さくし)・編曲(へんきょく):柏木(かしわぎ)るざりん (Kashiwagi Ruzarin)
歌(うた):藤宮(ふじみや)ゆき (Fujimiya Yuki) ・ ヤヤネ (Yayane)
サークル:Yellow Zebra
ゆらりゆらり 闇(やみ)を照(て)らす
蒼(あお)き炎(ほのお) 消(け)せぬ哀(かな)しみ
無常(むじょう)の隙間(すきま)に 流(ながれ)る河(かわ)の
Swaying slowly back and forth, illuminating the darkness
These blue flames, this unreasonable sadness
The water of this river, flowing in irregular gaps
Is clear and serene again today.
ふわりふわり 長(なが)き髪(かみ)を
永遠(えいえん)の意味(いみ)を 知(し)ったとき
Softly, gently the wind trails over
Her long hair; it is the play of a prosperous world.
When I knew the meaning of eternity
You were no longer here
街(まち) 灯(あかり)の賑(にぎ)わいさえ
全(すべ)て輪廻(りんね)の 空(そら)に描(えが)く
嗚呼(ああ) 幻影(まぼろし)
Waves of people,
Even the liveliness of the street lamplights,
All of it is drawn in the sky of death and rebirth..
Ah phantoms
くるりくるり ドレスの裾(すそ)
舞(ま)わせ踊(おど)る 君(きみ)は踊(おど)り子(こ)
手(て)に手(て)をとって 名(な)もなき詩(うた)を
口(くち)ずさんで 笑(わら)った
Spinning, twirling, the hem of your dress
Flutters as your dance; You are a dancer.
Taking my hand in yours, you hummed
A song with no name and smiled.
嘘(うそ)も罪(つみ)も 夢(ゆめ)も栄華(えいが)も
全(すべ)て朽(く)-ち果(は)てた 廃(はい)獄(ごく)には
ただ密(ひそ)かに ただ気(き)まぐれに
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty,
Everything rots in this ruined hell – here
Surreptitiously, whimsically,
A cat with braided hair lives.
エゴも欺瞞(ぎまん)も 自由(じゆう)も光(ひかり)も
失(うしな)われた世界(せかい)で 君(きみ)は
ただ静(しず)かに ただ凛々(りんりん)と
誇(ほこ)りを胸(むね)に 生(い)きるよ
All ego and all deception, all freedom and all light,
Is lost in this world, but you
Quietly, serenely
Live with pride in your heart.
Lalala, lalala, lalala, lalala… |
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