


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Sexxx dreams-—先来首唱,很有感觉的一首歌,爱上gaga的这张专辑,很棒!! attachment cravenspice 2014-2-5 0759 cravenspice 2014-2-5 23:53:11
[翻唱] 送给天上的亲人 Rod Stewart -- have i told you lately attachment alan_leilei 2007-4-4 51777 raul099 2014-2-5 18:38:22
[翻唱] 【VeNyc】Jason Mraz - I'm Yours 祝Justin生日快乐~!好久不露脸,大家还好吗~ attachment heatlevel  ...23456..7 VeNyc 2010-10-19 6215995 insonmia 2014-2-3 15:12:58
[翻唱] Carrie Underwood - Two Black Cadillacs - iReneの翻唱 attachment irene2070 2013-12-6 31005 eidson 2014-2-1 23:17:37
[翻唱] 阔别两年。ZORRO哥回归仙来第一首翻唱歌曲。★★it's my life★★ attachment  ...2 zorro66 2012-12-22 142878 zorro66 2014-1-30 21:11:32
[翻唱] ●●●完整版Justin Bieber—Baby (女聲rap ver.)●●●出爐!於是~俺還是自己rap了~~大家來聽聽吧~ attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..20 艾小样儿 2010-4-24 19942813 洋喊 2014-1-30 01:37:01
[翻唱] Katy Perry - Firework 不插电吉他版翻唱~ by ray attachment heatlevel  ...23 Looey 2012-4-10 245462 洋喊 2014-1-30 01:27:23
[翻唱] you give love a bad name attachment y1479612 2014-1-27 1633 y1479612 2014-1-29 23:44:34
[翻唱] @_@ Brandy >_< 翻唱:New Soul - 苹果电脑笔记本广告歌 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 brandyliu 2009-2-18 16326704 洋喊 2014-1-29 15:51:56
[翻唱] what are words翻唱一小段,实在太难唱了! attachment 魃斗妖 2014-1-26 5830 魃斗妖 2014-1-28 22:38:25
√[翻唱]Five-Until The Time Is Through 还想 2006-8-28 61875 ⑤★昱☆⑤ 2014-1-28 16:04:29
[翻唱] do what u want attachment jsiods 2013-11-9 21098 super_snow 2014-1-28 13:14:19
[翻唱] 低调翻唱经典爵士《summertime》 attachment heatlevel  ...23 lanyou68 2011-11-17 275172 super_snow 2014-1-28 13:13:02
[翻唱] lady gaga dope翻唱 attachment jsiods 2014-1-17 61430 jsiods 2014-1-27 17:50:05
[翻唱] 翻唱经典爵士--Misty(迷雾) attachment  ...23456 anfernee1 2007-2-27 5511879 twwyyyy 2014-1-27 15:22:51
[翻唱] 【无伴奏】黄道十二宫 attachment 终朝采蓝 2014-1-25 1911 hughlee1002 2014-1-26 23:28:12
[翻唱] 终于翻唱一首安静的了 猫王 - 《 Fever 》 attachment 殺手 2013-8-18 41543 眼泪也在笑 2014-1-26 20:06:18
[翻唱] Wrecking Ball attachment Solachain空 2014-1-18 41067 99812 2014-1-25 23:35:35
[翻唱] when you say nothing at all - Ronan Keating 乐乐翻唱 attachment  ...2 lele19860317 2010-8-26 183809 娴情 2014-1-23 20:21:49
[翻唱] Empty chairs at empty tables from Les Misérables attachment bluegate 2014-1-23 01403 bluegate 2014-1-23 19:03:23
[翻唱] love sex magic-xiao康&师父lilmibro attachment 332990303 2009-8-11 81765 keita1991 2014-1-22 12:09:28
[翻唱] Venus____Gaga最新歌曲大奉送!!!!!!!! attachment cravenspice 2013-12-31 71043 keita1991 2014-1-22 12:08:09
[翻唱] Alison Krauss — When You Say Nothing At All 女生版 attachment 祭血鸢蓝 2012-12-29 2999 louis41424 2014-1-21 10:44:28
[翻唱] 经典爵士 the look of love 男生版 attachment heatlevel  ...23 timmyyf 2011-5-19 234883 disneyszl 2014-1-21 01:39:48
[翻唱] √★★★发发飙,狂热爵士-------Fever attachment  ...2 dondonfish 2007-2-17 153040 disneyszl 2014-1-21 01:24:30
[翻唱] wrecking ball 扯蛋蛋哦。 attachment jiajing1314520 2014-1-21 01259 jiajing1314520 2014-1-21 01:04:11
[翻唱] 翻唱《Bleeding love》 attachment 秀新康康 2014-1-21 01364 秀新康康 2014-1-21 00:34:06
[翻唱] 翻唱半首 - My Kind Of Love - Emeli Sandé, 为啥半首呢。。。因为唱不动了。。。 attachment irene2070 2014-1-20 01243 irene2070 2014-1-20 21:08:04
[翻唱] 经典啊,beautiful liar 7年间对比,唱功退步了 attachment jet-fat 2014-1-19 01352 jet-fat 2014-1-19 23:27:56
[翻唱] brave - josh groban attachment 猪姆哥 2014-1-14 11479 hughlee1002 2014-1-18 17:12:34
[翻唱] radioactive最近挺火啊,我也来唱。 attachment jitaji 2013-12-28 51927 山由君 2014-1-17 16:23:03
[翻唱] try_pink吉他和音版 attachment ~豆丁~ 2014-1-8 21292 ~豆丁~ 2014-1-15 09:10:58
[翻唱] 强势大作:《DIRRTY》录音棚录的高质量翻唱哦!!浩大的工程呢-。- attach_img  ...2 Fighter123 2012-2-28 173667 zhangge 2014-1-13 17:24:16
[原创] 原KEY男子声嘶力竭版《bad romance》 attachment  ...2 墨云孤涯 2012-5-27 123630 zhangge 2014-1-13 17:22:11
[翻唱] RJ 試唱 Beyonce - HALO (Main Version) 支持一下 謝謝 attachment  ...2345 kwocenting 2009-3-15 499018 zhangge 2014-1-13 17:20:48
[翻唱] rihanna - 《S&M》继续迷幻feel attachment heatlevel  ...2345 timmyyf 2011-6-30 4710651 Boom蹦蹦 2014-1-12 14:43:50
[翻唱] 强势翻场 you make me feel like a natural woman 骚灵歌后Aretha Franklin 的热门歌曲 attachment 丫拉可 2012-3-8 61573 丫拉可 2014-1-12 01:44:48
[翻唱] 小布片翻唱——Fergie《big girls don't cry》 attachment  ...234 小布片 2009-2-2 326314 36554846 2014-1-11 15:02:29
[翻唱] 男生版cat power的empty shell attachment mandonggua 2009-8-26 92667 1131472708 2014-1-10 21:59:27
[翻唱] Say Something--AGBW ft. CA--心灵的共鸣 attachment heatlevel  ...2 韩小露 2013-12-7 143007 ︶ㄣ微雨初晴、 2014-1-10 20:36:23

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