


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] ◇Poker Face◆初心者第一次弄电子音乐~心脏病患者勿入 attachment  ...2 橘子囡囡 2009-8-16 162705 lufs 2014-5-7 00:28:37
[翻唱] Poker Face(泡咖啡) - Lady Gaga attachment  ...234 帅力杀手 2009-3-30 305346 lufs 2014-5-7 00:27:20
[翻唱] 【疑似伪电音】 我唱的《《POKER FACE》》 attachment  ...23 tarcytao1982 2010-1-4 253741 lufs 2014-5-7 00:22:12
[翻唱] 琳の翻唱 Glee - As long as you are there attachment irene2070 2013-6-8 3849 lesleyaa 2014-5-6 05:10:27
[翻唱] 翻唱Etta蓝调I'd Rather Go Blind attachment 殺手 2014-4-3 31113 woshilusso 2014-5-5 22:28:46
[翻唱] RL------linkin park-I'll be gone,很久没录了,久违的林肯12年作品, attachment 6261501 2014-3-23 61604 woshilusso 2014-5-5 22:13:58
[翻唱] 这歌儿真能翻吐血what doesn't kill you(Stronger)-Kelly Clarkson attachment irene2070 2013-12-22 72195 jiajing1314520 2014-5-5 19:06:40
[翻唱] 唱得真的很猛!林肯公园NEW DIVIDE变形金刚2主题曲 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..30 Nicholas0071 2009-7-4 29056939 rzy8686 2014-5-5 18:41:43
[翻唱] {转}Mars改编翻唱Justin Bieber的Baby 爆好听!!!Rap版本 attachment  ...2 vjfdkabv 2011-8-16 102693 qxg1993 2014-5-4 20:26:05
[翻唱] YOU'RE MINE.FEAT,MC&TREY SONGZ,请一定忽略我,我下的功夫都在剪辑上 fantasyboy 2014-4-5 21460 yorktran 2014-5-4 19:11:40
[翻唱] 【RJ】- Moody's Mood For Love ( R.I.P Amy Winehouse ) attachment  ...2 kwocenting 2011-8-2 153967 xue8013 2014-5-4 16:46:58
[翻唱] 【Lead The Way】自虐翻唱。。。。。 attachment mojawei 2012-10-20 52025 xue8013 2014-5-4 16:41:17
[翻唱] alicia keys - fallin【瑶瑶翻唱】和声也是自己哦 attach_img mcyoyo520 2012-4-11 71455 xue8013 2014-5-4 16:30:08
[翻唱] (翻唱)Longer - Dan Fogelderg attachment curtlee 2009-4-15 11343 louis6100 2014-5-3 10:52:39
[翻唱] ★☆★T.GROUP★☆★Abkemp Ft 七宝 - If i never knew you attachment  ...23 七宝 2008-10-4 294944 Jell 2014-5-2 17:38:44
[翻唱] corinne的Till it happens to you attachment amycomic 2014-2-15 21322 Jell 2014-5-2 17:10:10
[翻唱] 翻唱:《unintended——MUSE》 attachment  ...2 keee 2011-4-23 143857 dting2030 2014-5-1 00:37:47
[翻唱] 我知道男生唱【Let it go】不太合适但是还是想试一试请大家用力喷~康桑哈密哒 attachment  ...2 dfdlong 2014-4-5 132026 田馥甄 2014-4-30 20:12:21
[翻唱] If i never knew you-和我的偶像淘气莉香合唱《风中奇缘》主题曲~~~ attachment  ...23 超级球迷 2007-1-27 295844 risi 2014-4-30 14:37:40
[翻唱] 已修改应该能听了【翻弹】sound of silence,这个就叫致敬经典吧…… attachment lockyer222 2013-6-18 41440 mikewang0 2014-4-29 22:43:50
[翻唱] Beyonce-Naughty Girl attachment  ...2 belle-eve 2008-8-25 102639 韩小露 2014-4-29 14:32:35
[翻唱] beyonce-lisent[瑶瑶翻唱原版] attach_img  ...2 mcyoyo520 2012-4-21 133292 韩小露 2014-4-29 14:25:23
[翻唱] Tik Tok attachment heatlevel  ...234 小乌鸦0830 2012-5-7 366118 xymoonlit 2014-4-29 02:01:58
[翻唱] Justin.Bieber的3首翻唱,(All around the world & Nothing like us & Beauty and a beat)希望大家多多支持! attach_img S.toneth.L 2013-7-23 51940 xymoonlit 2014-4-29 01:51:56
[翻唱] √[翻唱]新人。失恋的歌:The Blower's Daughter。 attachment  ...2 GZYGZYGZY 2009-9-18 123329 xymoonlit 2014-4-29 00:52:03
[翻唱] 【最近很火的Adele的】Someone like you attachment heatlevel  ...2345 Franziska 2012-10-30 406652 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 04:03:31
[翻唱] someone like you-adele新手发帖多多指教(∩_∩) attachment hya0512 2011-7-10 61895 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 04:01:30
[翻唱] Lady GaGa Feat.Beyonce--《Telephone》 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..25 殺手 2009-12-11 24136160 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 02:45:29
[翻唱] Telephone - Lady GaGa Featuring Beyonce 去年制作到今年。。。实在太复杂了。。。 attachment heatlevel  ...23456..9 iandee 2010-2-1 8716081 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 02:42:03
[翻唱] 热烈庆祝林肯公园8.15演唱会圆满成功,第一不靠谱天团【Lying From You】致敬!!!!!! attachment  ...234 叫你吃饭 2009-8-15 345319 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 02:33:43
[翻唱] linkin park-lying from you attachment  ...2 dgning 2009-2-2 133161 xymoonlit 2014-4-28 02:28:51
[翻唱] Say Something attachment Looey 2014-2-1 81931 xymoonlit 2014-4-27 21:54:22
[翻唱] 【Sega翻唱精品】男版《bleeding love》和声+后期精致处理 attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 Sega_JL 2009-5-12 16235955 xymoonlit 2014-4-27 21:50:29
[翻唱] 这才是仙来最最牛逼的BABY翻唱!!! attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456..21 kamikaze2007 2010-12-28 20643877 Amoci 2014-4-27 12:43:26
[翻唱] Evanescence breathe no more attachment maneater 2012-8-13 1770 shaka920 2014-4-26 11:47:33
[翻唱] Ashar斗胆唱《Lucky》,男声美爆了!!情人节快乐! attach_img syrinx_yi 2013-2-14 31675 chingchingchan 2014-4-26 11:31:06
[翻唱] √Lying From You - Linkin Park 跟超强Rocka"路易十三"合作的 attachment digest heatlevel agree  ...23456..12 FKer 2007-2-12 11231273 6261501 2014-4-25 16:43:54
[翻唱] 翻唱 wish you were here ——Avril Lavigne attachment  ...23 小Be 2011-9-26 223572 iamatches 2014-4-25 14:01:42
[翻唱] [翻唱] lead the way mariah carey - kunohero attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 kunohero 2009-6-30 498792 COOBERG888 2014-4-25 11:41:56
[翻唱] A Great Big World-Say something attachment zwqady_001 2014-4-6 11364 shuishuixx 2014-4-24 23:35:38

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