


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 【HBD Damian】Butterfly Fly Away with Morris(另附一神秘版本哦!!) attachment recommend heatlevel  ...23456 艾小样儿 2010-8-10 5217509 mileymiley 2014-7-28 17:27:24
[翻唱] Lana Del Rey《summertime sadness》 attachment 野桑·朴 2014-7-18 82380 linzao 2014-7-28 15:54:04
√[翻唱]维氏VV《MAD WORLD》欢迎指点  ...23 维巍VV 2006-8-28 276820 Mr_._Crayi 2014-7-28 12:35:20
[翻唱] Time to say goodbye - Nobody2007 attachment nobody2007 2013-12-29 92306 君好 2014-7-28 09:39:05
[翻唱] Winter Light -- 倚梦幻歌 attachment 倚梦幻歌 2014-7-28 11599 nobody2007 2014-7-28 06:21:18
[翻唱] 披头士经典《oh darling》嗓子都碎了…… attachment  ...2 寒雪琪琪 2012-6-19 144290 啊啊啊啊啊啊在 2014-7-28 01:23:57
[翻唱] iPhone唱吧app自录Rumer <Slow> attachment eleanorigby 2014-5-21 21077 啊啊啊啊啊啊在 2014-7-27 23:55:46
[翻唱] close to you attachment mipo 2014-7-12 51306 凉茶 2014-7-27 18:34:06
[翻唱] Adele - Someone Like You attachment  ...2 玩的是嘛 2013-3-3 102737 pínɡ忛Ⅰ℃ 2014-7-27 18:18:36
[翻唱] Ne-yo Because of you 女生翻唱重磅出击! attachment recommend heatlevel agree  ...23456..29 景小猪 2010-3-31 28161132 凉茶 2014-7-27 17:52:30
[翻唱] 国际关系学院版 音乐剧《吉屋出租》RENT 《another day》 翻唱 attachment bangbang0723 2014-7-23 21510 eidson 2014-7-27 17:29:58
[翻唱] 即兴,钢琴版<Why don't we just dance> attachment jftust 2014-7-27 2830 kou136 2014-7-27 11:02:12
[翻唱] 我的rolling in the deep attachment heatlevel  ...23 zhd0829 2012-11-14 274599 katreana 2014-7-26 22:34:26
[翻唱] zee avi《bitter heart》 attachment  ...2 stefanie69 2013-4-21 143495 阿萨德阿萨德 2014-7-26 21:04:52
[翻唱] so happy i could die attachment jsiods 2014-7-26 0946 jsiods 2014-7-26 20:45:11
[翻唱] Confrontation - 感冒没睡醒还一次录完。。。 attachment 驴叔404_not_fou 2012-5-29 21389 xbjs 2014-7-26 19:05:27
[翻唱] 《变身怪医》选段This is the moment attachment xbjs 2014-7-26 11199 xbjs 2014-7-26 18:56:16
[翻唱] My Valentine-Paul McCartney (cover) by Frank attachment  ...2 frank0629 2013-1-29 133704 whpj 2014-7-26 13:34:04
[翻唱] 翻下john legend成名作ordinary people attachment heatlevel  ...2 timmyyf 2011-3-15 195025 john-legend 2014-7-25 23:59:36
[翻唱] TRY-Pink 琳の翻唱 attachment irene2070 2013-8-10 41396 shakira988 2014-7-25 23:04:00
[翻唱] birdy--TEE SHIRT attachment zwqady_001 2014-7-6 21459 shakira988 2014-7-25 22:47:13
[翻唱] 【The Lazy Song】-【Bruno Mars】-女声版 。火星哥的懒歌啊哈~ attachment  ...2 lucwur 2011-7-3 185488 shakira988 2014-7-25 22:40:58
[翻唱] You raise me up -瑶瑶翻唱 attachment mcyoyo520 2012-9-15 51556 shakira988 2014-7-25 22:36:08
[翻唱] 男声Infatuataion(CA),舌头要打结了,请大家指正 attachment Jonathand 2014-7-21 31121 aaaaaaa14 2014-7-25 10:26:55
[翻唱] we got it going on-bon jovi(翻唱) attachment 飘零种子 2011-7-14 41604 aaaaaaa14 2014-7-25 10:22:42
[翻唱] let it go---青蓝 attachment xiexie0192 2014-7-24 31354 aaaaaaa14 2014-7-25 10:19:01
[翻唱] 用justin和ti的dead and gone~remix的beyonce的halo attachment  ...234 维维LEE 2009-2-17 305318 jianpingliu12 2014-7-24 21:18:10
√[翻唱]感冒初愈版!Living To Love You --Sarah Connor  ...2 xixi 2006-4-11 154501 250104208 2014-7-24 16:56:56
[翻唱] √贾斯丁最新单曲抢先翻Lovestoned/I Think She Knows - Justin Timberlake attachment  ...2345 熊猫奶爸 2007-8-1 448048 GS慢一拍 2014-7-24 16:12:51
[翻唱] 男低音翻唱michael buble经典拉丁舞曲 sway queen830601 2013-8-12 11641 xkt1993630 2014-7-24 09:29:38
[翻唱] Rendezvous Craig David attachment 8985015 2014-7-23 01064 8985015 2014-7-23 14:58:43
[翻唱] Simple plan的crazy吉他版! attachment machine7036 2013-8-23 11942 FORE,LIN 2014-7-23 12:28:33
[翻唱] A Great Big World - Say Something attachment pig1983 2014-7-21 31455 1428423807 2014-7-22 20:22:22
[翻唱] [VeNyc] The Lion King II - He Lives In You attachment VeNyc 2014-3-1 51888 murx 2014-7-22 14:19:37
[翻唱] Selfish——赶快送上布兰妮的新歌,录和音都录到想吐了!!!!! attachment cravenspice 2011-5-6 31419 Oo玉玉♀ 2014-7-21 23:28:18
[翻唱] Supreme - Robbie Williams麻烦大家无视中间的那声鬼叫 attachment 熊猫奶爸 2007-7-22 21546 Oo玉玉♀ 2014-7-21 23:23:01
[翻唱] Born to die 男声翻唱 attachment VagrantAdonis 2013-1-21 31688 野桑·朴 2014-7-21 17:14:09
[翻唱] It's a wrap---自己超级喜欢的一首歌,不过还是模仿着仙来的一个翻唱高手唱的! attachment cravenspice 2011-2-5 41201 Jonathand 2014-7-21 12:59:07
[翻唱] atong youngcky 翻唱JasonMraz - i won't give up,来听听吧! attachment sky1995sky 2014-7-21 11348 孙越洋 2014-7-21 09:55:12
[翻唱] Heartbreaker - justin bieber attachment ∮Broken_Hearte 2014-7-18 2739 4914061213 2014-7-20 19:30:57

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