


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] Bow Wow - Let me hold you 我也试试。(女声,说唱) attachment 猫太子 2009-12-10 61965 pinkielam 2009-12-25 17:56:43
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow 我来了 attachment agree  ...2 我是Simon 2009-12-18 122294 娟·子 2009-12-25 17:29:40
[翻唱] Fly Me to the Moon attachment agree boboanwu 2009-12-23 71469 boboanwu 2009-12-25 16:02:11
[翻唱] Elsa - T'en Va Pas 法语歌~新人~务必进来听下~~ attachment  ...2 ナナ美 2007-2-16 112880 lixiangrong603 2009-12-25 15:36:30
[翻唱] √When I'm Gone - EMINEM attachment 康佛神 2007-11-18 91664 四喜 2009-12-25 14:06:48
[翻唱] a milli attachment 康佛神 2009-1-17 21080 四喜 2009-12-25 14:03:44
[翻唱] 音速发歌Ronan Keating&Kate Rusby-all over again 一个人唱 alan_leilei 2006-10-13 71738 tentshake 2009-12-25 12:59:01
[翻唱] √◆B.fame.F◆均均 hey jude 老歌送给小奇奇生日礼物,快乐哦哦! attachment  ...2 均均 2007-10-31 143600 caijialin 2009-12-25 12:52:51
√[翻唱]☆MP·T☆《To Be Loved》再度更新签名婚纱照!这次是双人哦!呵呵~  ...234 蕃茄姐姐 2006-8-11 356200 tentshake 2009-12-25 12:51:56
[翻唱] [DayT] Hip Hop Is Dead - Nas Feat. Will.I.Am (2个附件:人声+完整版) attachment DayT 2009-12-9 31358 my__stroy 2009-12-25 01:51:22
[翻唱] 翻唱:everything --micheal buble attachment  ...2 onlyzxk 2009-9-5 102514 etic 2009-12-25 01:24:10
[翻唱] 圣诞节就要来了,哈哈哈,大家真被怎么过?一首特喜庆的圣诞歌 Joy to the world哦,圣诞快乐! attachment sunnyhuji 2009-12-21 61857 sunnyhuji 2009-12-24 23:16:14
[翻唱] 野鹅敢死队-飞翔的野鹅-Flight of the Wild Geese attachment 萨卡 2009-12-4 11120 ONEMAN 2009-12-24 22:59:12
[翻唱] Can you feel the love tonight attachment gdzshi 2009-11-14 11183 jgjgjg720 2009-12-24 16:35:08
[翻唱] 【SHARE THE JOY】WHITE CHRISTMAS---注册以来第一次上传 attachment agree 911tgl 2009-12-19 51351 911tgl 2009-12-24 12:32:28
√[翻唱]★Let's Talk About Love★參加聖誕活動  ...2 ilovefabian 2006-12-18 182717 清霜兰儿 2009-12-24 12:14:46
√[翻唱]★MP·T★大U-FM-Believe Me  ...23456 yokarne 2006-6-26 5110072 檀香熊 2009-12-24 02:13:48
[翻唱] √★☆★T.GROUP★☆★listen demo-七宝 偷录送给前几天生日的徒弟 attachment  ...234 七宝 2007-5-18 315404 维维LEE 2009-12-23 18:00:10
[翻唱] 好听的you were my everything,RAP归来!! attachment  ...234 tmposdk313 2009-9-9 314272 唐棠初 2009-12-23 17:30:31
√[翻唱]God Put a Smile Upon Your Face--COLDPLAY=+=SEKA seka 2006-10-17 71362 蒙战 2009-12-23 14:57:17
[翻唱] unreserved love attachment 摩羯轮 2009-12-23 01237 摩羯轮 2009-12-23 13:58:04
[翻唱] 和jolingg首次合作 rihanna新歌Russian Roulette demo ~~~ attachment  ...2 维维LEE 2009-11-27 161933 雷的囧囧 2009-12-23 03:00:19
[翻唱] 新人带来一首BSB的《Incomplete》 attachment Froestsea 2009-12-18 91745 fengzi0577 2009-12-23 01:03:18
[翻唱] √真是不要命了Y了这首GRACE KELLY - MIKA(内附单曲封面) attachment agree  ...234 熊猫奶爸 2007-8-23 386240 jee 2009-12-23 00:40:30
[自唱][翻唱]30 Minutes-Miki送好友晨晨的生日礼物  ...2 光希Miki 2006-10-24 183592 jee 2009-12-23 00:37:03
[翻唱] mad world加了点和声 attachment qiwe 2009-11-15 51071 fengzi0577 2009-12-23 00:31:36
[翻唱] 诚心求教 so-sick 希望高手进来指点一下 attachment forgetpch 2008-8-3 6996 215153234 2009-12-23 00:20:37
[翻唱] Butterfly—葱蔥' attachment lovecafore 2009-8-20 5886 winol1981 2009-12-23 00:12:53
[翻唱] chasing pavements男声现场(附视频) attachment  ...2 爱的和谐 2009-3-20 172946 zorro66 2009-12-23 00:11:15
[翻唱] √男声翻BJORK第一弹 Joga attachment  ...2 vigilgt 2007-1-18 133445 wangduoli 2009-12-22 17:27:15
[翻唱] √★WL.Group★仙来第一次发歌Beyonce的Listen attachment  ...23 stevencd 2007-4-4 254053 zorro66 2009-12-22 16:49:37
[原创] 冬日的清新,原创歌曲《I Love U》~ attachment Froestsea 2009-12-21 91705 azurelucid 2009-12-22 14:22:15
[翻唱] 唱出硬派风格I want know what love is attachment andreabee 2009-12-14 41263 andreabee 2009-12-22 14:16:47
[翻唱] JinGle beLL RocK~~~圣诞活动搞起来~~~听这个歌心情是好~~~  ...2 ddtx 2006-12-23 112893 Jello 2009-12-22 12:10:35
[音乐]★★Let the music heal your soul★★--【仙来群星】献给爱好音乐的每位朋友 digest  ...23456..47 七宝 2005-7-2 46857634 Froestsea 2009-12-22 10:07:14
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Santa Baby - 慵懒+撒娇版 :P 哈哈 attachment agree brandyliu 2009-12-20 92519 曦雨恋人 2009-12-22 04:30:21
[翻唱] [Share the Joy]09圣诞翻唱:Jesus born on this day attachment agree Fighter123 2009-12-19 51166 sunnyhuji 2009-12-21 23:20:25
[翻唱] [永远的MJ] - Gone Too Soon attachment agree  ...2 弦外之ào 2009-6-26 182097 JWELLS 2009-12-21 21:06:32
[翻唱] PROMISE ! - 自感不满版... attachment 老狮上课 2008-12-8 51353 britneylee 2009-12-21 17:32:03
[翻唱] 半夜一小段___Demo<吉他伴奏---The man in the mirror> attachment  ...2 ___J. 2009-12-20 102225 维维LEE 2009-12-21 13:44:02

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