


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] √<ALL RISE> - Blue 新手翻唱老歌...请指点! attachment  ...2345 mauiboy 2007-8-2 416558 littlearslan 2010-3-21 22:33:40
[翻唱] ☆美女4人组※翻唱2首辣妹经典-2become1,say u'll be there attachment  ...2 acmylv 2010-3-5 102409 acmylv 2010-3-21 14:35:34
[翻唱] 【Save me from myself】--★B.fame.F★剩剩 attachment stepd27 2010-3-21 01803 stepd27 2010-3-21 14:30:37
[翻唱] Bizarre Love Triangle - Frente attachment flourish0851 2010-3-21 11387 天狩十六夜 2010-3-21 14:15:10
[翻唱] the hell song-sum41 attachment savage0820 2009-2-19 31282 zhangziyia 2010-3-21 10:44:33
[翻唱] 最近生活不顺 Drean on吼去心中烦恼 attachment  ...2 11910000 2008-10-16 132546 l120282374 2010-3-21 10:41:48
[翻唱] sum41 pieces attachment 33static 2008-9-20 21033 554251549 2010-3-21 10:08:14
[翻唱] √Big Big World---新人翻唱。。。大家多多捧场啊~~ attachment  ...2 lvavev 2008-6-28 192789 tarcytao1982 2010-3-20 20:43:53
[原创] 函数变身山寨男巫-自弹自唱原创民谣Being lonely till the day ends attachment heatlevel agree  ...23 三角函数 2010-3-17 256293 suzan001 2010-3-20 17:00:21
[翻唱] 翻唱Taylor 的white horse attachment yellowpurple 2010-3-7 31717 zorro66 2010-3-20 15:21:23
[翻唱] given up 林肯花园什么的最无聊了 attachment 赵麻花 2010-3-20 21120 zorro66 2010-3-20 15:09:29
[翻唱] 新人报道多多指教~《littlest thing》+中文自编歌词 attachment LindaLee323 2010-3-19 31974 limu521 2010-3-20 00:00:08
[翻唱] Fearless【Taylor Swift~于是我顺便路过了英文区。。。】 attachment 静天琉璃 2010-3-8 51080 静天琉璃 2010-3-19 22:41:48
[翻唱] LORD - Sisam & TC & Mes - 神之XX歌.. attachment heatlevel  ...2345 唐棠初 2010-3-6 458268 8club 2010-3-19 20:18:00
[翻唱] my immortal-Evanescence祝福海地...愿全世界人民幸福安康 attachment yakitata 2010-1-29 21515 夙雨 2010-3-19 19:35:13
[翻唱] Pitbull --【Go Girl】超现实主义性感风格搞笑团体大作 attachment  ...23 叫你吃饭 2009-7-25 294700 爱冰冰 2010-3-19 15:47:42
[翻唱] 电影《变人》(又名《机器人管家》)主题曲 Then you look at me attachment  ...2 琳猫猫 2010-2-3 123265 limu521 2010-3-19 11:34:44
[翻唱] 暴麦唱摇滚~it's my life attachment  ...234 beerest 2007-2-28 376248 liuleileilei 2010-3-19 10:14:56
[翻唱] decode~ attachment lola 2009-12-20 21124 areathe 2010-3-19 01:25:05
[翻唱] 男声翻唱chasings pavements!它是那么吸引着我!一直喜欢着它!你那? attachment  ...23 爱的和谐 2008-8-30 263824 areathe 2010-3-19 01:20:12
[翻唱] 来自北国的声音:俄罗斯圣女(非剩女)天团-----不要丢下我一个,亲爱的! 第一次唱“鹅”语,嘎嘎! attachment  ...2 琳猫猫 2009-10-22 152393 匿名 2010-3-18 22:15:47
[翻唱] √come clean_original by Hilary Duff attachment  ...23 azurelucid 2007-4-9 273556 ilonacain 2010-3-18 21:54:29
√[翻唱]hermione翻唱的hilary duff 的 come clean(新人来,大家支持哦)  ...2 hermione09 2006-6-22 153147 ilonacain 2010-3-18 21:52:23
[翻唱] I see you - music from Avatar,难得休息唱首歌,找首听过的,欢迎拍砖~~ attachment  ...2 小西妙妙 2010-2-27 123040 ivirus 2010-3-18 17:10:15
[翻唱] 醉酒改编版本:ALICIA KEYS NO ONE attachment  ...2 维维LEE 2010-3-16 122062 维维LEE 2010-3-18 15:44:55
[翻唱] So should it matter-SISSEL attachment fuzhen 2010-3-18 11048 zorro66 2010-3-18 12:33:04
[翻唱] √I love rock n roll attachment  ...23 Oo玉玉♀ 2007-1-12 295440 lijing00545 2010-3-18 11:36:01
[翻唱] Jin - Learn Chinese attachment  ...2 四喜 2010-3-17 112055 lijing00545 2010-3-18 11:26:36
[翻唱] 新人报道第八帖,偶像craigdavid的rise and fall~~ attachment C.P 2010-2-23 51277 Billie.J 2010-3-18 11:25:01
[翻唱] 《Unfaithful》(一首曾经让我流泪的歌) 我没有Rihanna的嗓音~我只是用自己的方式诠释... attachment  ...2 loving木 2009-7-9 153059 lijing00545 2010-3-18 11:19:55
[翻唱] lets start from here attachment ~乐饱饱~ 2010-3-15 31376 小阿凯 2010-3-18 02:34:14
[翻唱] ◆B.fame.F◆均均&Gabe - Come What May (From Moulin Rouge) attachment agree  ...23 Gabe914 2008-7-1 245126 MesC 2010-3-18 02:02:43
[翻唱] Wait and bleed ——Slipknot attachment 艾登伯爵 2010-2-5 21216 雷的囧囧 2010-3-18 00:59:07
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Santa Claus is Coming to Town 古代Mono廣播聖誕小合唱 attachment agree  ...2 Mu-Q 2009-12-10 123855 babyfei5520 2010-3-17 20:42:40
[翻唱] [Share the Joy] Christmas Don't Be Late (花栗鼠们的圣诞祝福) attachment agree  ...23 iAlvin 2009-12-25 283797 babyfei5520 2010-3-17 20:40:48
[翻唱] Taylor Swift--Breathe。。自己做的feature。。大家来听听吧。。 attachment anego 2010-3-17 3821 月下奔跑 2010-3-17 19:38:33
√[歌曲]★MP.T★AD2005年度作品总结  ...23 AD 2006-1-12 214551 zorro66 2010-3-17 17:55:43
[翻唱] 沒效果的If u leave 來玩玩 attachment lilmibro 2009-3-26 41539 zorro66 2010-3-17 17:31:28
[翻唱] √[短]Gwen Stefani 的 4_In_The_Morning……为什么近来全唱英文= = attachment kaka2sky 2007-4-18 92231 英文bz 2010-3-17 16:51:20
[翻唱] Breathe_Originally by Taylor Swift (Cherry's Cover) attachment  ...2 azurelucid 2009-4-7 112090 anego 2010-3-17 14:26:58

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