


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] never ever--plutostory ,低调发贴,祝福听过的人 attachment plutostory 2010-4-24 2916 plutostory 2010-4-26 23:30:16
[翻唱] britney spears - gimme more(此伴奏采用lady gaga的lovegame) attachment wweboy 2010-2-15 1824 cuga 2010-4-26 22:25:37
[翻唱] Blink182<I miss you>●by Nor attachment Norshland 2007-3-26 41559 zans 2010-4-26 20:14:21
[翻唱] 野人花园经典——《真实的,疯狂的,深切的》 attachment wu5tong 2010-4-25 31444 七宝 2010-4-26 19:47:57
√[翻唱]德语翻唱DU HAST MEIN HERZ GEBROCHEN-JUERGEN&ABKemp digest  ...23456 abkemp 2006-2-23 5514967 ninesun430 2010-4-26 18:54:31
[翻唱] 人猿泰山—大闹营地 attachment fyc 2010-4-15 52054 fyc 2010-4-26 17:01:43
[翻唱] Earth song—道川翻唱 品质保证 attachment  ...2 宮本道川 2010-4-15 103571 yilong_1991 2010-4-26 16:13:12
[翻唱] Toxic - Britney Spears attachment 宝贝猪咪咪 2008-12-5 61702 tobemichael 2010-4-26 13:36:12
[翻唱] Toxic --Britney 甜美性感 attachment nicolewei35 2008-12-5 51034 tobemichael 2010-4-26 13:32:18
[翻唱] [翻唱]新人报道第二帖,justin timberlake肉麻老歌never again~~ attachment C.P 2010-2-22 71763 9zhe 2010-4-26 13:11:42
[翻唱] N多年前欧美经典曲目,演绎nothing gonna change my love for you attachment wu5tong 2010-4-26 41341 axlsizzy 2010-4-26 11:49:10
[翻唱] 乡村之路,带我回家 attachment wu5tong 2010-1-30 62163 琳猫猫 2010-4-26 05:14:31
[翻唱] 青春飞扬的年代——超级男孩之《I'LL NEVER STOP》 attachment wu5tong 2010-4-25 21122 茶树菇 2010-4-25 23:40:09
[翻唱] Littlest Things --饶舌呀~哎~ attachment  ...2 Cathy天使 2010-3-12 142579 Cathy天使 2010-4-25 23:15:36
√[翻唱]新人小试NORAH JONES——What am i to you  ...2 shamore 2006-11-30 132532 pipopp 2010-4-25 22:50:24
[原创] The diary of jane, 现场版 Nicholas0071 2010-4-24 82125 6261501 2010-4-25 12:22:46
[翻唱] Taylor Swift--The Best Day很可爱的一首唱给妈妈的歌 attachment anego 2010-3-22 31938 鬼之名 2010-4-25 11:35:11
[翻唱] 2年后重录:与Mariah carey合唱Endless Love attachment agree  ...234 Fighter123 2008-7-23 385233 Fighter123 2010-4-25 11:04:27
[翻唱] √[飙歌]和Mariah Carey合唱的Endless Love,不听后悔哦  ...23456..17 Fighter123 2006-1-7 16521830 Fighter123 2010-4-25 11:01:41
[翻唱] Bye Bye 给在512灾难中离开我们的同胞们 attachment agree  ...23456..10 水晶蝴蝶 2008-5-31 9413165 小国宝 2010-4-25 10:01:15
[翻唱] √sweet child of mine---吼吼真舒服 attachment  ...2 beerest 2007-10-3 154648 ricky_tin 2010-4-25 01:33:01
[翻唱] [翻唱]live有视频,justin,beyonce,leehom,ne-yo,rihanna,大同,黄立行. calvingly 2009-8-23 51507 ft4504896 2010-4-24 22:35:20
[翻唱] √Cherry-----Cowboy take me away_originally by Dixie Chicks attachment azurelucid 2007-8-26 61349 dittielight 2010-4-24 20:36:48
[翻唱] Britney spears-baby one more time attachment 无声森林 2010-4-23 41432 zorro66 2010-4-24 20:15:39
[公告] √sex bomb attachment  ...2 响屁不臭 2007-7-2 194312 12520738 2010-4-24 20:15:26
[翻唱] Don't Rain On My Parade 难死我吧 头一回挑战这种BT歌 ... attachment 弗兰奇 2010-4-24 21027 超级球迷 2010-4-24 16:53:38
√[翻唱]经典老歌 Feelings 用心演绎  ...2 夏日的风 2006-9-13 112093 无声森林 2010-4-24 15:44:47
√[自唱]最温暖的晚安曲 Good Night//By Bluegrass bluegrass2006 2006-9-14 51820 poliwaer 2010-4-24 14:58:43
[翻唱] dennis30录新歌啦~~rise&fall-Craid David 嘿嘿,来听哦~ attachment  ...2 dennis30 2009-4-5 152876 lele19860317 2010-4-24 13:02:47
[翻唱] 翻唱后街Don't wanna lose you now并求助 attachment carriey2000 2009-4-11 31060 lele19860317 2010-4-24 12:45:11
√[翻唱]小试一下后街的 the one 谢谢大家来听一下  ...2 lxwl 2006-9-19 142555 lele19860317 2010-4-24 12:43:01
[翻唱] Poker Face (cover) _Frank Yu attachment  ...2345 caochong 2009-10-9 466044 frank0629 2010-4-24 10:50:39
[翻唱] no more tears -- Ozzy Osbourne attachment xup6m454 2008-9-20 81344 panshi1214 2010-4-24 10:18:23
[翻唱] 几年前录的foolish,现在找到听着好玩。。 attachment plutostory 2009-11-1 2783 plutostory 2010-4-24 00:11:12
[翻唱] 《disturbia》--plutostory attachment plutostory 2009-10-18 2790 plutostory 2010-4-24 00:02:55
[翻唱] 唱不了高音就唱最低音,Diggin on you-plutostory attachment plutostory 2010-4-22 1849 plutostory 2010-4-23 23:59:32
[翻唱] [share the joy]santa baby IS COMING~节日快乐! attachment agree plutostory 2009-12-25 61176 plutostory 2010-4-23 23:58:20
[翻唱] √obvious-christina attachment seesaw1027 2007-6-15 92267 seesaw1027 2010-4-23 23:14:44
[翻唱] 很温暖的歌my love will get you home attachment yellowpurple 2010-4-18 52155 zorro66 2010-4-23 21:33:13
[翻唱] 电话 attachment 闲赖菊 2010-4-23 01066 闲赖菊 2010-4-23 20:19:20

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